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Win32 Console Music Player, this music player plays WAV, MIDI, MP3 and XM module in command line

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'*� DOS Player 1.0 �*'`'*�* � La Hire 2009

This very basic player is able to play audio file such as WAV, MIDI, MP3 and also XM module player. As a command line piece of software it syntax is pretty simple:


Play filename [/H] [/L] [/T] [/V]

/H Help
/L Loop
/T Test
/V Version


"/T" parameter is for testing audio (basically this plays music).

I just found XM library for the moment; if you have other library (for Real Audio, S3M, IT, AAC, AC3, etc.) please feel free to share.

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may be it is win32 console? wink.gif
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QUOTE (shoorick @ May 23 2009, 07:49 AM)
may be it is win32 console? wink.gif

For sure it is.
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thumbs_up.gif thumbs_up.gif thumbs_up.gif
very very very very very ... Thanks

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Dear, in case I'm far away from assembly knowledge, but I need it for a C# project, could you make a version from it where you simply cut out the XM module, and you just leave the WAV player function with only looping, without test and help parameters, or an other, with just MP3 instead of WAV.

Because I would slim down the C# script as tiny as it possible. It would contain a loopable sound sample, also in as small size az it's possible. The sample is about 75 sec. long, and the smallest frequency rate which is acceptable and enough to make the sound sample be audible is 2000 Hz.
I exported it with Audacity at a Mobile Wav extension and it was as I remember 30545 bytes. Not amazingly tiny, but would be still ok. BUT the stupid C#, which I only know and can use is strictly play JUST stupid fully uncompressed 16 bit PCM with huge sizes.

This is the reason, why I would like to have an infinitely simple and pure WAV or MP3 command line player is as a small size as it is just possible. You know, in case I need to put the external player into my C# code, which makes its size just bigger.

And the reason, why I need to do that C# script tiny is that it will be packed into an other C# app.
Ye, I know it seems to be strange. I just would like to make a PC puzzle for one of my non-professional friends. And the C# script discussed above would be converted to a non-real DNS code sequence...
wink.gif ... NO, don't ask me more!!! I know it is a stupid idea but I still would like to try to make it! laugh.gif
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