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MASM Tools

Here you can download various tools that will help you coding in MASM.

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MASM Tools
Name Votes Downloads Views Entry Date
Module definition file to MS COFF import library converter
Module definition file to MS COFF import library converter V1.1
0 363 2687 12.Oct.2011 05:27
Convert MS COFF import library to MASM include file
The lib2inc is a tool that converts MS COFF import libraries to MASM include files.
2 2577 7622 12.Oct.2011 05:24
Safe Subclassing library v1.01
This Safe subclassing library allows your single-threaded programs to safely subclass any window.
2 1699 4816 15.Nov.2008 17:02
Thread-safe subclassing library v1.02
Safe Subclassing is a thread-safe library that allows your program to safely subclass any window in it.
2 2926 6463 15.Nov.2008 16:58
External function scanner for Assemblers V3.49
The External function scanner for assemblers was originally designed to scan for external functions in FASM.
2 1844 5389 15.Nov.2008 16:50
System Error Codes Lookup - WinErr v2.0.1.7
System Error Codes Lookup - WinErr v2.0.1.7 is a tool that provides a quick lookup of system error codes and their descriptions.
2 4355 8175 15.Nov.2008 10:53
Macro collection
A number of MASM macros, some of which are by QvasiModo himself and some others were collected from several sources on the Internet.
5 4635 9682 04.Apr.2008 08:31
ASM Invoke to Call converter
The ASM Invoke to Call converter converts a given invoke call to the corresponding "push+call" instructions.
4 4135 11879 20.Mar.2008 08:53
Def2Equ v. 1.4
Def2Equ is a utility that converts #define statements used in resource scripts to equ statements used in source code files.
2 2326 6292 04.Feb.2008 08:17

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