Hi all,
This is the change log for HiEdit V3.0.0.4
What's new-A ! at the end of any delimiter indicates that any word starting with this delimiter will be colored. For example:
indicates that any word starting with $ (such as php variables e.g. $somevar, $another etc) will be colored (blues, xerxes).
-php syntax highlight section of the attached keywords file updated.
-A new copy of the already opened file was created on sending the HEM_RELOADFILE message, old copies didn't get deleted and disk space kept filling up; fixed (tomte)
-When "+" or "-" option was added after a keyword, the "~" option in its front was no longer respected; fixed (xerxes)
-Comments can now start ONLY if not in quoted string (such as "abdff", 'dgffd')
-asm,inc syntax highlight section of the attached keywords file updated.
Get it hereRegards,