finding breakpoints
Dragonborn |
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i am dragonborn and have questions about software breakpoints. how to detect them? i know the opcode for software breakpoints which is x0cc. i can code a loop which search the whole memory for that opcode, but the problem is that my program uses a lot x0cc bytes. so i have to find the real breakpoints not "fake" x0cc's.
some help would be nice, i code in masm
Dragonborn |
New Member
Group: Members
Posts: 8
Member No.: 55955
Joined: 6-January 13
i do not understand why calculate lenght of x0cc it is just 1 byte. i got a example but as i said in my first post this example will find false breakpoints
CODE | invoke CreateFile, ADDR NamePath, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 mov hFile, eax invoke GetFileSize, hFile, 0 mov ecx, eax; end size mov edi, 00400000h; example begin size mov al, 0CCh repne scasb jz being_debugged; bp found jmp ok |
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