Author: Tomasz Grysztar
link to original article
What is flat assembler g?
It is an assembly engine designed as a successor of the one used in
flat assembler 1, one of the recognized assemblers for x86 processors.
This is a bare engine that by itself has no ability to recognize and
encode instructions of any processor, however it has the ability to
become an assembler for any CPU architecture. It has a macroinstruction
language that is substantially improved compared to the one provided by
flat assembler 1 and it allows to easily implement instruction encoders
in form of customizable macroinstructions. This approach has a great
flexibility at the cost of performance.
If it happened that very fast assembly comparable to flat assembler 1
was required and the performance drawback of macroinstructions was not
acceptable, it would be possible to address the issue by building
a custom assembler based on this engine, and the complete source code
is available to anyone who would like to try it. But the focus of this
package is on the use of flat assembler g in its pure form.
The source code of this tool can be compiled with flat assembler 1,
but it is also possible to use flat assembler g itself to compile it.
The source contains clauses that include different header files depending
on the assembler used. When flat assembler g compiles itself, it uses the
macroinstructions that come with the supplied example programs, since they
implement x86 instructions and formats with a syntax compatible with
flat assembler 1.
The macroinstructions that process the syntax of x86 instructions are
complex and take a long time to assemble, but incidentally the time it
takes for flat assembler g to compile itself on an ordinary modern machine
is comparable to the time that an early version of flat assembler 1 needed
to assemble itself a decade and a half earlier on a computer that was then
similarly mediocre. This can be seen as an interesting demonstration of
how the software may be getting slower at the same rate as the hardware
becomes faster.
The example programs for x86 architecture that come in this package are
the selected samples that originally came with flat assembler 1, with an
addition of the sets of the macroinstructions that implement instruction
encoders and output formatters required to assemble them just like the
original flat assembler did. While they are not complete, they are intended
to encourage the creation of further sets of macroinstructions that would
provide more instructions and output formats.
To demonstrate how the instruction sets of different architectures
may be implemented, there are some example programs for the microcontrollers,
8051 and AVR. They have been kept simple and therefore they do not provide
a complete framework for programming such CPUs, though they may provide
a solid base for the creation of such environments.
There is also an example of assembling the JVM bytecode, which is
a conversion of the sample originally created for flat assembler 1. For this
reason it is somewhat crude and does not fully utilize the capabilities
offered by the new engine. However it is good at visualising the structure
of a class file.
How does this work?
The essential function of flat assembler g is to generate output defined
by the instructions in the source code. Given the one line of text as
shown below, the assembler would generate a single byte with the stated
db 90h
The macroinstructions can be defined to generate some specific
sequences of data depending on the provided parameters. They may correspond
to the instructions of chosen machine language, as in the following example,
but they could as well be defined to generate other kinds of data, for
various purposes.
macro int number
if number = 3
db 0CCh
db 0CDh, number
end if
end macro
int 20h ; generates two bytes
The assembly as seen this way may be considered a kind of interpreted
language, and the assembler certainly has many characteristics of the
interpreter. However it also shares certain aspects with a compiler.
It is possible for an instruction to use the value which is defined
later in the source and may depend on the instructions that come before
that definition, as demonstrated by the following sample.
macro jmpi target
if target-($+2) < 80h & target-($+2) >= -80h
db 0EBh
db target-($+1)
db 0E9h
dw target-($+2)
end if
end macro
jmpi start
db 'some data'
The "jmpi" defined above produces the code of jump instruction as
in 8086 architecture. Such code contains the relative offset of the
target of a jump, stored in either single byte or 16-bit word.
The relative offset is computed as a difference between the address
of the target and the address of the next instruction. The special
symbol "$" provides the address of current instruction and it is
used to calculate the relative offset and determine whether it may
fit in a single byte.
Therefore the code generated by "jmpi start" in the above sample
depends on the value of an address labeled as "start", and this
in turn depends on the length of the output of all the instructions
that precede it, including the said jump. This creates a loop of
dependencies and the assembler needs to find a solution that
fulfills all the contraints created by the source text. This would
not be possible if assembler was simply a straightforward interpreter.
Finding a solution for such circular dependencies may resemble
solving an equation, and it is even possible to construct an example
where flat assembler g is indeed capable of solving one:
x = (x-1)*(x+2)/2-2*(x+1)
db x
The circular reference has been reduced here to a single definition
that references itself to construct the value. The flat assembler g
is able to find a solution in this case, though in many others it may
fail. The method used by this assembler is to perform multiple passes
over the source text and then try to predict all the values with the
knowledge gathered this way. This approach is in most cases good enough
for the assembly of machine codes, but rarely suffices to solve the
complex equations and the above sample is one of the exceptions.
What are the means of parsing the arguments of an instruction?
Not all instructions have a simple syntax like then ones in the
previous examples. To aid in the processing of arguments that may
contain special constructions, flat assembler g provides a few
capable tools, demonstrated below on the examples that implement
selected few instructions of the Z80 processor. The rules governing
the use of presented features are found in the manual.
When an instruction has a very small set of allowed arguments,
each one of them can be treated separately with the "match"
macro EX? first,second
match (=SP?), first
match =HL?, second
db 0E3h
else match =IX?, second
db 0DDh,0E3h
else match =IY?, second
db 0FDh,0E3h
err "incorrect second argument"
end match
else match =AF?, first
match =AF'?, second
db 08h
err "incorrect second argument"
end match
else match =DE?, first
match =HL?, second
db 0EBh
err "incorrect second argument"
end match
err "incorrect first argument"
end match
end macro
The "?" character appears in many places to mark the names as
case-insensitive and all these occurrences could be removed to
further simplify the example.
When the set of possible values of an argument is larger but
has some regularities, the textual substitutions can be defined
to replace some of the symbols with carefully chosen constructions
that can then be recognized and parsed:
A? equ [:111b:]
B? equ [:000b:]
C? equ [:001b:]
D? equ [:010b:]
E? equ [:011b:]
H? equ [:100b:]
L? equ [:101b:]
macro INC? argument
match [:r:], argument
db 100b + r shl 3
else match (=HL?), argument
db 34h
else match (=IX?+d), argument
db 0DDh,34h,d
else match (=IY?+d), argument
db 0FDh,34h,d
err "incorrect argument"
end match
end macro
INC (IX+2)
In case of an argument structured like "(IX+d)" it could sometimes
be desired to allow other algebraically equivalent forms of the
expression, like "(d+IX)" or "(c+IX+d)". Instead of parsing every
possible variant individually, it is possible to let the assembler
evaluate the expression while treating the selected symbol in a distinct
way. When a symbol is declared as an "element", it has no value and
when it is used in an expression, it is treated algebraically like
a variable term in a polynomial.
element HL?
element IX?
element IY?
macro INC? argument
match [:r:], argument
db 100b + r shl 3
else match (a), argument
if a eq HL
db 34h
else if a relativeto IX
db 0DDh,34h,a-IX
else if a relativeto IY
db 0FDh,34h,a-IY
err "incorrect argument"
end if
err "incorrect argument"
end match
end macro
INC (3*8+IX+1)
virtual at IX
x db ?
y db ?
end virtual
INC (y)
There is a small problem with the above macroinstruction. A parameter
may contain any text and when such value is placed into an expression,
it may induce erratic behavior. For example if "INC (1|0)" was processed,
it would turn the "a eq HL" expression into "1|0 eq HL" and this logical
expression is correct and true even though the argument was malformed.
To prevent this from happening, a local variable may be used as a proxy
holding the value of an argument:
macro INC? argument
match [:r:], argument
db 100b + r shl 3
else match (a), argument
local value
value = a
if value eq HL
db 34h
else if value relativeto IX
db 0DDh,34h,a-IX
else if value relativeto IY
db 0FDh,34h,a-IY
err "incorrect argument"
end if
err "incorrect argument"
end match
end macro
There is an additional advantage of such proxy variable, thanks to
the fact that its value is computed before the macroinstruction begins
to generate any output. When an expression contains a symbol like "$",
it may give different values depending where it is calculated and
the use of proxy variable ensures that the value taken is the one
obtained by evaluating the argument before generating the code of
an instruction.
When the set of symbols allowed in expressions is larger, it is
better to have a single construction to process an entire family
of them. An "element" declaration may associate an additional value
with a symbol and this information can then be retrieved with
the "metadata" operator applied to a linear polynomial that contains
given symbol as a variable. The following example is another
variant of the previous macroinstruction that demonstrates the use
of this feature:
element register
element A? : register + 111b
element B? : register + 000b
element C? : register + 001b
element D? : register + 010b
element E? : register + 011b
element H? : register + 100b
element L? : register + 101b
element HL?
element IX?
element IY?
macro INC? argument
local value
match (a), argument
value = a
if value eq HL
db 34h
else if value relativeto IX
db 0DDh,34h,a-IX
else if value relativeto IY
db 0FDh,34h,a-IY
err "incorrect argument"
end if
else match any more, argument
err "incorrect argument"
value = argument
if value eq value element 1 & value metadata 1 relativeto register
db 100b + (value metadata 1 - register) shl 3
err "incorrect argument"
end if
end match
end macro
The "any more" pattern is there to catch any argument that
contains a complex expressions consisting of more than one token.
This prevents the use of syntax like "INC A+0" or "INC A+B-A".
But in case of some of the instructions sets, the inclusion of such
constraint may depend on a personal preference.
The "value eq value element 1" condition ensures that the value does not
contain any terms other than the name of a register. Even when an argument
is forced to contain no more than a single token, it is still possible
that is has a complex value, for instance if there were definitions like
"X = A + B" or "Y = 2 * A". Both "INC X" and "INC Y" would then cause
the operator "element 1" to return the value "A", which differs from the
value checked in either case.
How are the labels processed?
A standard way of defining a label is by following its name with ":" (this
also acts like a line break and any other command, including another label,
may follow in the same line). Such label simply defines a symbol with
the value equal to the current address, which initially is zero and increases
when any bytes are added into the output.
In some variants of assembly language it may be desirable to allow label
to precede an instruction without an additional ":" inbetween. It is then
necessary to create a labeled macroinstruction that after defining a label
passes processing to the original macroinstruction with the same name:
struc INC? argument
INC argument
end struc
start INC A
This has to be done for every instruction that needs to allow this kind
of syntax. A simple loop like the following one would suffice:
iterate instruction, EX,INC
struc instruction? argument
.: instruction argument
end struc
end iterate
Every built-in instruction that defines data already has the labeled variant.
By defining a labeled instruction that has "?" in place of name it is
possible to intercept every line that starts with an identifier that is not
a known instruction and is therefore assumed to be a label. The following one
would allow a label without ":" to begin any line in the source text (it also
handles the special cases so that labels followed with ":" or with "=" and
a value would still work):
struc ? tail&
match :, tail
else match : instruction, tail
.: instruction
else match == value, tail
. = value
.: tail
end match
end struc
Obviously, it is no longer needed to define any specific labeled
macrointructions when a global effect of this kind is applied. A variant
should be chosen depending on the type of syntax that needs to be allowed.
Intercepting even the labels defined with ":" may become useful when the
value of current address requires some additional processing before being
assigned to a label - for example when a processor uses addresses with a
unit larger than a byte. The intercepting macroinstruction might then look
like this:
struc ? tail&
match :, tail
label . at $ shr 1
else match : instruction, tail
label . at $ shr 1
. tail
end match
end struc
The value of current address that is used to define labels may be altered
with "org". If the labels need to be differentiated from absolute values,
a symbol defined with "element" may be used to form an address:
element CODEBASE
org CODEBASE + 0
macro CALL? argument
local value
value = argument
if value relativeto CODEBASE
db 0CDh
dw value - CODEBASE
err "incorrect argument"
end if
end macro
To define labels in an address space that is not going to be reflected in
the output, a "virtual" block should be declared. The following sample
prepares macroinstructions "DATA" and "CODE" to switch between generating
program instructions and data labels. Only the instruction codes would go to
the output:
element DATA
element CODE
macro DATA?
virtual at DATA + DATA_OFFSET
end macro
macro CODE?
end macro
macro _END?
if $ relativeto DATA
end virtual
else if $ relativeto CODE
end if
end macro
end postpone
The "postpone" block is used here to ensure that the "virtual" block
always gets closed correctly, even if source text ends with data
Within the environment prepared by the above sample any instruction
would be able to distinguish data labels from the ones defined within
program. For example a branching instruction could be made to accept
an argument being either a label within a program or an absolute value,
but to disallow any label of data:
macro CALL? argument
local value
value = argument
if value relativeto CODE
db 0CDh
dw value - CODE
else if value relativeto 0
db 0CDh
dw value
err "incorrect argument"
end if
end macro
variable db ?
In this context either "CALL routine" or "CALL 1000h" would be allowed,
while "CALL variable" would not be.
When the labels have values that are not absolute numbers, it is
possible to generate relocations for instructions that use them.
A special "virtual" block may be used to store the offsets of values
inside the program that need to be relocated when its base changes:
virtual at 0
end virtual
end postpone
macro WORD? value
if value relativeto CODE
store $ - CODE : 2 at Relocations : RELOCATION_INDEX shl 1
dw value - CODE
dw value
end if
end macro
macro CALL? argument
local value
value = argument
if value relativeto CODE | value relativeto 0
db 0CDh
word value
err "incorrect argument"
end if
end macro
The table of relocations that is created this way can then be accessed
with "load". The following two lines could be used to put the table
in its entirety somewhere in the output:
load RELOCATIONS : RELOCATION_COUNT shl 1 from Relocations : 0
The "load" reads the whole table into a single string, then "dw" writes it
into output (padded to multiple of a word, but in this case the string never
requires such padding).
What options are there to parse other kinds of syntax?
In some cases a command that assembler needs to parse may begin with
something different than a name of instruction or a label. It may be
that a name is preceded by a special character, like "." or "!",
or that it is an entirely different kind of construction. It is then
necessary to use "macro ?" to intercept whole lines of source text
and process any special syntax of such kind.
For example, if it was required to allow a command written as ".CODE",
it would not be possible to implement it directly as a macroinstruction,
because initial dot causes the symbol to be interpreted as a local one
and globally defined instruction could never be executed this way.
The intercepting macroinstruction provides a solution:
macro ? line&
match .=CODE?, line
else match .=DATA?, line
end match
end macro
The lines that contain either ".CODE" or ".DATA" text are processed here
in such a way, that they invoke the global macroinstruction with
corresponding name, while all other intercepted lines are executed without
changes. This method allows to filter out any special syntax and let
the assembler process the regular instructions as usual.
Sometimes unconventional syntax is expected only in a specific area
of source text, like inside a block with defined boundaries. The
parsing macroinstruction should then be applied only in this place,
and removed with "purge" when the block ends:
macro concise
macro ? line&
match =end =concise, line
purge ?
else match dest+==src, line
ADD dest,src
else match dest-==src, line
SUB dest,src
else match dest==src, line
LD dest,src
else match dest++, line
INC dest
else match dest--, line
DEC dest
else match any, line
err "syntax error"
end match
end macro
end macro
end concise
Copyright © 2004-2016 Tomasz Grysztar.